Thursday, December 20, 2012

Suhr Media

As a promise to my wife, Olympic Gold Medalist Jenn Suhr, I am going to start blogging.  She said if she won Gold in London that I needed to blog on a regular basis so today I am going to begin to fulfill that promise. 

I guess it would be appropriate to talk a little bit about media since that has dominated our life after the Olympic Games in London.  Media is an everyday way of life for us.  The question people have asked me the most about media is what coverage have I liked and what coverage have I not liked.  I am also asked what media coverage is accurate and what coverage is inaccurate.  I would say that both these questions are similar. 

Through a little bit of research, I have decided to lead these people to a few media outlet sources that I feel have done an accurate coverage of Jenn and I.

I, Rick Suhr, am promising to regularly blog even though it is not my nature.  Stay tuned, it might get interesting!

Caution: My wife says I am a lousy writer but a great story teller.

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